
Dec 11, 2008

Important : Please Read This

Comment nih aku dapat dari blog sis moralle... aku rase simpati sangat dengan apa yang terjadi dekat blog mommy lily... sedih weiii... kalo blog yang penoh dengan pelbagai kenangan hilang sekelip mata aje... napelah dia orang bole sesuke hati aje removed blog ek??... Yang aku tak paham tuh kite bukannye inactive user pon.... huhhh... kesabaran betol la kalo jadi cam gini....

Mommy Lily said...
hai sishari ni frust sgt bila found out that dah kena removed. (termasuk mami punya bisnes blog mami tk tahu knp dan mcmana blh jadi mcm tu.sedih sgt coz semua perkara yg berlaku dalam 1 tahun hilang begitu saje. diari pembesaran lily dah tk ada lagi. cerita daripada lily kecil hingga dah pandai berlari skrg hilang sekelip mata. feel like crying but i'm at the office. very down today.please sis tolong sebarkan e-mail di bawah yg mami jumpa kt blgger punya troubleshooting. e-mail ni org hantar dimana masalah dia sama dgn mami. Rupanya ramai sudah terkena.sebarkan supaya org lain yg sayangkan blog masing2 berbuat sesuatu segera spt back up blog, save copy atau pindah ke free blog host lain atau dptkan sendiri.belum tahu lagi sama ada mami akan teruskan blogging atau tidak. Thanks mami menumpang di sini.kpd sesiapa yg masih ingin berhubung dgn mami bolehla e-mail me okey. i sayang

thewarblogger View profile Dec 8, 3:52 am
Hi all, I, like many of you, have had my blog locked and removed due to a false spam accusation by Google's flawed spiders/spambots. Having invested a fair amount of time into my blog, I was alarmed, and followed the steps they list to have it unlocked -- almost a week later, no progress. I also did a search on the topic here (you should too), and found out that thousands upon thousands of people have had this issue for the past 6 months, with not one posting back to say their blog was permanently unlocked. Some people have had their blogs locked for months, with no response or action from Google. Others have had it unlocked, just to have it locked again repeatedly. The long and short of it is that many people have lost their blogs permanently, with no recourse and no interest on the side of Google of putting it right. I think the writing is on the wall -- blogger is a broken product. I'm not sure why Google is doing this, but I suspect they are clamping down on any blogs not using their Adwords product, or who aren't turning a profit for them. Now that the economy is turning sour, they're doing whatever they can to chuck people who are using their server space and free accounts without giving them some sort of profit in return. I see no evidence that the spambot is doing anything to reduce spam on their blogs, but I do see it pissing off a bunch of real-life people with real-life blogs, people who invested a lot of personal time and love into their blog, trusted Google with their intellectual property, only to be screwed and locked out. Even Google apologist nitecruzr has stopped responding to these threads -- I'm sure he knows it's hopeless, that Google has essentially screwed the pooch with this one but won't put things right. Just as it is wrong for just one innocent man to be convicted, it is wrong for just one non-spam blog to be shut down in the name of fairly harmless spam blogs, but apparently not to Google, who is "convicting" thousands of us without appeal, without recourse, and with no respect to our rights. This spam thing is a red herring, there is some other reason why they are doing this, because otherwise why piss off so many normal bloggers? I think they don't want the bad PR of revoking a free blog product that they can't afford anymore, so instead, they brand us as "spammers," then use the excuse of "we're so very busy" to not ever reactivate us. Pure BS, and a very transparent excuse I think we can all see through. Don't waste any more of your time on this -- get a new blog somewhere else, there are several free blog hosts out there, including Unfortunately they don't have the bells, whistles, and flexibility we love with Blogger, but what good is blogger if it just keeps getting locked up and stealing your posts? Spread the word, tell your friends, don't let them suffer like we have. Google reaps what it sows, and they're killing the free blog movement


  1. wah, amat bahye ni..!
    kalau manis pn, smngt nk brblogging akn down trus..
    nk bli domain lak mhal..
    mmg kne wat copy la ni..

  2. hmm tu la..saya pon ada baca pasal mommy lily ni..iskk tak bole dibayangkan kalau jadi kat saya jugak..mungkinkah patut migrate ke wordpress dan beli domain? isk..tapi yg tak suka nak kena announce dah tuka pon leceh jugak..isk

  3. hai reena..

    thanks coz sudi berkongsi perasaan dan yg penting maklumat utk blogger semua...

    kena hati2 back up blog selalu tau..

    will still blogging sbb mcm tk lengkap hidup tanpa blog..cehh :-)

  4. haduh sedih nyer.... nape ek sesenang nk removed blog org!!!!! mementang kite x byr so ske ati dierang la ek nk buat ape!!!! haduh nk buat backup ni!!! thanks reena

  5. kak..nak resepi tu.tengok kat sini ek
    zuris pun ambik kat sini

    yg kek lapis merrie bantat tu..
    guna resepi nie gak
    olah sikit2 je.hehee...

  6. laaa hai.... sedihnyeee..... :(

  7. eila pun rase sedih..coz ape ygkite tulis tu utk kenangan kan..mana nak ingat dah nanti..adehh..sian die..

  8. alahai sedihnya..lenyap hbs sume kenangan2 yg simpan dlm kn diary kita..haduh..xtau le klu ilang jdik cmne ek..HD pc rosak pn dh nek gila..hbs data2 dr 2004 sume..waaaa.

  9. aisey sian kt dia kan..itulah risikonya bila benda free kita dpt nie..bnda nie dh lama yan tahu..kwn yan dh penah kena dh..even PR dia tggi pun kena gak..lagik pulak blog yang cam kita nie..

  10. alamak..seram pulak aku yang. ish..ish..bila masa nak wat backup blog nie......mana ada masa ah..

  11. mcm tu plak dah....

    neway thanx reena...
    branak normal...
    nnt dh steady aku story xperience branak dlm tunggu....

  12. peh!! tengah freaking out sekarang ni,
    tp kalau nak backup blog tu camana?
    pocket pun tak pandai sangat.

    tp kalau amik dari wordpress, buleh yek?

  13. oh.. kesian kat mommy lily tu.. kena waspada juga ni..

  14. cik manis - a'ah yang akak pon skrg asyik buat back-up...jek... rase2 cam nak tuko gak reenaonline nih ke dotcom...*ahaks*...

    supermummny - tapi kan mummy kalo tuko ke dotcom through blogspot sendiri...nanti dia akan re-direct sendiri kitenya address lame ke address yg baru secara otomatik. tuh apa yg dia kata lah...kite pon cam nak try gak nih...

    mommy lily - kite feels very sorry sgt atas ape yg terjadi taw yang....nih pon tgh buat pre-caution...

    elyn - ur welcome dear...

    darlee zuris - tenkiuuuu yang....nak try buat gak tp kena tggu beli oven....ekekeke...bole gitu...

    sadi - sedih sgt kan sis....

    eila @ along - a'ah....nilah sumber rujukan utk generasi kite kan yang...huhuhu...

    sery - tuhla psl yang...kalo jd kat kite msti mmg cam blurrr skjp....perghhh...

    darlee zuris - tahla yang...akk pon tak phm...

    yanmie - meaning benda nih mmg dah ramai yg terkenalah kan yang...??

    whitetulip - alah yang....beli jela domain....ekekkeke...

    may - ur welcome dear...

    pocket - tahla kite pon tak sure kite cume click kat bhgn edit HTML tuh...then d/load full template... rasenya camtuhla back-up...tapi dah bgtau hubby kite cam nak tuko ke dotcom....insya-Allah... bayarannye pon USD 10 per year...

    cutemiut78 - a'ah sis....take pre-caution k sis...

  15. anyway... thanks Reena... aduhai... camana nak buat back up nih... adehhh... sgt simpati pd MommyLily itewww...

  16. kite pon tak sure sis...cuba baca komen kite utk pocket....

  17. Pastu cmner?
    Prevention yang cmner yg boleh kita buat? Hishhkk.. lecehlah klo terkena cmtu.. sian dieorg..

    OWh.. nk register domain ke sis? 10USD=RM brapa? Syiok gak idea tu.. espc utk aktiv blogger..

  18. mmg lecehkan yang....standardla benda free mane de org nak bg sng2.... ekekek...

    alemak USD10 tuh bape hinggit ek?? disebabkan charge credit card...musti ade tax sket yg kena kan?? so around below RM50 hinggit kot...


- Terima kasih sebab sudi baca bebelan i
- Semua komen akan diluluskan oleh Cikgu Beso sebelum dipublish.
- I sedaya-upaya akan jawab semua komen / pertanyaan korang (walaupun kadang-kadang tu lambat) takde seksateri lah katakan :P
- Untuk kawan-kawan yang selalu jenguk i, korang memang kawan yang baik! :')
- Untuk Anonymous, it is nice if you can leave your NAME :) Thanks!